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Bowen Therapy for the Elderly

Bowen therapy is suitable for people of all ages, from babies to the elderly. The Bowen technique is a gentle movement that is extremely relaxing to receive. No force or muscle manipulation is used. The Bowen technique is simply asking the body to recognise these movements and change accordingly. The Bowen technique is a finger and thumb rolling movement applied to specific points of the body. The gentle movements are rolled over muscles ligaments, tendons and fascia. Bowen therapy is a drug free, non invasive holistic treatment which stimulates the body to realign and restore its physiological equilibrium. By targeting specific points of the body, the Bowen technique can release deep stress and tension which results in the relief of pain.

As this is an effective treatment for both pain relief and mental relief, it is a great therapy for everybody. There are many situations where the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and/or emotional strain 'comes with age'. For example:

  • Arthritis
  • Ongoing back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Feeling lethargic

Case Study

One of our clients a 65 year old lady suffered from the crippling effects and associated pain of rheumatoid arthritis for 12 years. Every joint in her body from her jaw right down to her toes were affected. She had great difficulty in sleeping and on a scale of 1-10 she rated her pain a 7-8 on a good day and a 9-10 the rest of the time! 

After her first treatment, she reported that she had no pain for 3 days, she was sleeping like a log and she had loads of energy. Following the second treatment she felt further improvement and after the third treatment she was completely pain free. This demonstrates the remarkable effect of Bowen therapy and the expertise that is available in the Galway Bowen Therapy Clinic.

The Key Benefits of Bowen Therapy to the Elderly

Bowen therapy triggers the body’s own healing process. Relief is regularly felt immediately and most cases respond within 48 hours.

  • Relieves the pain associated with age related conditions such as arthritis
  • Accelerates repair to damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments, tissues, bones, brains and organs
  • Relaxes, resets and realigns the musculoskeletal system.
  • Relieves the effects of stress
  • Strengthens the body’s immune system
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system to help detoxify the body
  • Supports the body’s return to homeostasis (a balanced state)
  • Activates energy

Put the Pep back in your Step with Bowen

Are you experiencing difficulty writing or holding a cup of tea because of pain and swelling in your hands and fingers? Are you having trouble climbing stairs because of aching and stiffness in your hips and knees? Have you no energy to perform the tasks you used to do easily and without a thought?

Many of our clients think that these aches and pains are normal signs of aging and that they should learn to live with them, but this is simply not the case. Even if you have osteoarthritis stemming from wear and tear or injury to the joint, Bowen therapy is available to reduce or even eliminate the pain. Joint pain does not have to be an accepted consequence of ageing.