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Children Love Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy is a wonderful stress buster for children. Often when we think of stress we think it's just a condition that effects adults, however even young adults and children are prone to stress e.g. a young child starting school who is not familiar with the new surroundings and the other children will experience stress. Family illness, play dates, sports, music lessons, financial problems, divorce etc. can produce emotional strain and stress on children, children are like sponges and are very perceptive to what is going on in their surroundings. The relationship between stress hormones and the immune system is well documented. If stress hormones are chronically elevated, the cortisol hormone will destroy the healthy immune cells that fight bad bacteria and viruses. Bowen therapy reduces stress and helps keep the body healthy.   

Children's behavioural response to Bowen therapy includes much happier children. They are much calmer and relaxed and this is reflected in a better mood. Bowen therapy is a positive experience where they relax and their bodies quiet down. 

At the Galway Bowen Therapy Clinic, we treat children of all ages, from new born babies to 18 year olds. So calming is the effect of Bowen that children regularly fall asleep on the table. It is excellent for a range of childhood issues including:

  • Broken sleep
  • Pre and post-surgery
  • Constipation
  • Bedwetting
  • General body aches and pains
  • Scoliosis and postural imbalance
  • Behavioural problems
  • Agitation
  • Listlessness.

Baby Bowen

Extremely gentle, Baby Bowen therapy helps release the trauma experienced during birth. Baby Bowen improves circulation, respiration, digestion and elimination and promotes a sense of comfort in babies and as such is hugely beneficial for babies experiencing:

  • Colic
  • Broken sleep
  • Reflux 
  • Feeding problems
  • Unsettled and distressed babies

Used in infants, Bowen therapy prepares the body for sitting, standing and walking by promoting strength, motor coordination and self-confidence. Children also sleep better during naps and are less likely to be overactive and develop behavioural problems. 


Children with Special Needs
Similar to Baby Bowen, Bowen therapy has been proven to be of great benefit to children with special needs. Stress is a major contributing factor in exacerbating symptoms in children with a chronic illness. Coping with frequent hospitalisations, painful treatments, restriction on diet and daily activities can take its toll on parents and siblings as well as the child. Bowen therapy reduces stress hormone levels and provides an ideal opportunity for positive interaction between parent and child resulting in decreased anxiety for the whole family.

Controlling stress is crucial for children with epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, juvenile arthritis and skin conditions such as eczema. As stress hormone levels rise, symptoms increase and in the case of diabetes and asthma this may put the child's life at risk. Bowen therapy has been known to kick start the detoxification process, improve circulation, breathing and skin conditions, decrease pain and the stress associated with medical procedures, strengthen the immune system and support the body's return to a balanced state.

Effective for psychological and behavioural problems:

  • Children with ADHD exhibit less hyperactivity
  • Angry children are able to understand and control their rages
  • Anxious children feel more secure
  • Frustrated children more sociable and tolerant
  • Bereaved children are calmer and better able to cope

The responses to Bowen and changes in children have been heart-warming and at times heart rending. Many time,s we have been overwhelmed with gratitude for being given the opportunity to assist children and the support of their grateful parents/guardians. We would like to see Bowen therapy added to standard care, not to replace medical care, but to complement a Doctor's care to help all our children. 


Case Studies

Melissa 11 years old, received 8 sessions of Bowen therapy at the Galway Bowen Therapy Clinic. The first two sessions commenced 2 weeks, one week apart, before her scheduled open heart surgery. She was extremely anxious at the prospect of surgery and the fact that she was going to be anesthetized. The two sessions prior to surgery had a calming and balancing effect on her body. Her 3rd session of Bowen therapy commenced 1 week after her surgery. Her chest and back were extremely sore and she was in a great deal of pain, she was hunched over, finding it difficult to breath and refusing any sort of physical, manipulative therapy. She was uncomfortable while sitting and lying down and was aggressive and agitated. Following the session her body notably relaxed and she slept a good nights sleep for the first time since surgery. Her mother stated that the following day she was like a different child and not as angry as she had been in the previous week. Her next 5 sessions saw her getting stronger, both her mood and posture improving and her energy returning. Melissa's surgery and her recovery aided by Bowen therapy was a success and she is now a happy healthy young lady competing in sports and actively enjoying life with other children her age.

Vincent 8 years old, received 4 sessions of Bowen therapy, each one week apart. He was an extremely anxious child as his early years were spent in and out of a very dysfunctional family situation and now he is cared for by his grandmother. She was at first very reticent, as Vincent was extremely anxious about everything even too scared to walk a short distance to school by himself. The first visit entailed an explanation and demonstration of the Bowen technique to both Vincent and his grandmother, this settled them both and Vincent became open to trying Bowen. After the first moves Vincent said he felt his “backbone was going backwards and forwards”, this response lasted for a few minutes. After the second moves the vibration was along his spine and it was decided a few moves would be enough for the first session, when Vincent, suddenly said “I see a picture”. His Grandmother looked amazed as he described his home on fire and how he was alone. She looked even more stunned as the story unfolded and she said “This is amazing, he was only 18 months old and could not possibly remember – that is remarkable!” He then went on to describe two other “pictures” revealing very early memories and each one connected with an incident when he “wasn’t being looked after”. At the second session there was a modicum of improvement and at the conclusion of the session he entreated “Take away my worry!”. After his fourth session his body was balanced. His grandmother was overjoyed (and so was Vincent), she can stand at the front gate as he runs to catch up with his friends.

William 4 years old, received 3 sessions of Bowen therapy at the Galway Bowen Therapy Clinic, each one week apart. William developed asthma at 6 months old. For 3.5 years he had been under the care of a paediatric consultant and prescribed medication to control his attacks and symptoms. We assessed William on his first visit to the clinic and noted that he had a neck restriction, he walked with his right shoulder raised and his chest was rigid on one side. The Baby Bowen moves were performed on William followed by the intercostal release procedure. Williams chest immediately released. On Williams second visit to the clinic, his mother noted that he had not had an attack or displayed any symptoms during the week, the procedures were performed again. On his third visit to the clinic William was in great form and as healthy as his two siblings. William is now a healthy and happy train mad 4 year old and has not suffered an attack since his first visit. His mother has noted a marked improvement in him overall and after consultation with his doctor has reduced his medication.

Jamie 8 years old, received 1 session of Bowen therapy at the Galway Bowen Therapy Clinic. Jamie had been cutting silage with his uncle and attended the clinic with the common symptoms of hay fever. Jamie's nose was itchy and runny, he had nasal congestion, streaming, itchy, red and swollen eyes and he had sneezing and a cough. Jamie's symptoms subsided immediately and he left the clinic a happy and relieved little farmer.

Sarah 18 years old, received 4 sessions of Bowen therapy initially, one week apart, at the Galway Bowen Therapy Clinic. Sarah was diagnosed with scoliosis (a curvature) of the spine by her Doctor. Along with the scoliosis, Sarah had a severe pain in her right shoulder and was having difficulty sleeping when she attended the clinic. The shoulder pain vanished after the first session, her sleep improved and she was now sleeping 8 - 12 hours a night and the curvature had improved slightly. The curvature continued to improve after the second and third sessions. After the fourth session Sarah's curvature was barely noticeable. Sarah now returns to the clinic on a monthly basis for a Bowen therapy session.

Class Act Bowen

The Galway Bowen Therapy Clinic's Class Act Bowen (CAB) programme is a special initiative that aims to work with schools to fulfil their obligations to their staff and students. The programme is the first of its kind in Ireland and aims to assist children with special needs achieve their true potential, both in the classroom and on the playground. The potential of the Class Act Bowen programme to support children with physical needs through coordination improvement, rebalancing and repair has already been researched, recognised and documented in Australia by its pioneer Anne Schubert. 

Teacher wellness is also included in the programme as they are role models for our children. Healthy teachers are more productive, have more energy and are better able to cope and manage their stress levels. By providing Bowen therapy to teachers and students we aim to protect the welfare and health of students so they can learn better and flourish.