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Bowen Therapy in Sports

The Bowen technique in becoming increasingly recognised as a valuable therapy in the treatment of sports related injuries. Not only this but sports professionals are finding that they are staying injury/pain free for longer and also their performance is improving.

The Bowen technique is being used effectively for athletes in a wide range of sports such as hurling, football, rugby, martial arts, professional dancers, running, motor sports, tennis, cycling, swimming and golf to name a few!

A Split Second in Sport

Being “the best” at a sport is multi-faceted. Having skills is key. Fitness and strength another. Mental toughness and belief. Commitment and practice.

As time has progressed, more and more athletes are reaching the limits to what a body can do. A split-second can now decide a winner from second (or an even lower) place. That split-second for professional athletes can have a massive impact on sporting careers.

This has led sports people to look to other areas that can help give an edge over competitors. Lightweight clothing, specialised shoes, aerodynamic helmets, compression clothing are all commonplace.


Bowen Therapy for Sport Performance

Think about Formula 1 racing. Teams of mechanics work to ensure the car is working in top shape and perfectly in balance. Any imbalance will slow that car down ever so slightly. Any slight imbalance, a slight loss of performance, can be the difference between winning and losing. A skilled driver in an unbalanced car is unlikely to win the race.

Similarly, a skilled athlete in an unbalanced body will be unable to perform at their best. Imbalances in the body will slow it down, prevent it from going over that hurdle, make it unable to turn and react quickly, unable to play that shot as hard as possible and can contribute to injury.

Legs with tight hamstrings won’t run as fast as legs that move freely. Shoulders that don’t move easily will make swimming strokes harder or give a less powerful tennis serve. A pelvis that is uneven will make moving more difficult.

The Body is a Fine-tuned Machine

Bowen therapy has been proven to improve stamina, stimulate recovery AND balance the body thus enhancing sport performance.

Bowen therapy helps the body move into balance and symmetry. Balancing the body through gentle moves, with a focus on specific muscle areas of problem, helps bring the body back to the state it should be. And if the body has symmetry, then all muscles can work smoothly and evenly – much like a formula 1 car.

Ready for Competition

With the body taking a few days to fully integrate the Bowen moves, treatment 2-3 days before competition is the ideal timing to give an athlete best results.

While treatment a few days prior to competition is ideal, treatment at any time is better than none.


Recovery from sport doesn’t need to involve the “no pain no gain” of freezing ice baths or painful massage. Bowen therapy in the days after a big game or competition can help the body relax again, taking it down from the fight/flight adrenaline rush of competition.  At the same time, dealing with any niggles that arise, prompting the body to begin to rebalance.

Bear Grylls may be one of the more extreme examples of needing recovery after “sport”. He sees Bowen therapy as an essential part of both his preparation and recovery. “Bowen has helped keep my body together despite the continual bashing it takes,” he explains. “It’s a vital support in putting right a whole range of new aches and pains, making sure that old injuries don’t cause me problems, and helping me fight stress and fatigue.”

Whether a professional athlete looking for an edge over your competitors, an amateur, trying to improve their last Saturday park run time or perform better in their favourite sport or just someone wanting to minimise risk of injury while enjoying sport Bowen therapy can enhance your sports performance!

Successful Teams

Widely used in Australia for many years by teams such as:

  • Rugby League Leeds Rhinos
  • NSW Rugby Union Rugby League
  • Australian Rugby League World Cup teams
  • Sydney FC

The success of the Bowen technique has worked its way into Europe with many Premiership Rugby and Football teams and elite athletes using it such as:

  • Welsh Rugby Team
  • Manchester United
  • Newcastle United
  • Sunderland
  • various elite European athletes


So, if you are tempted to take up a new sport, or if you would just like to improve in your current activities, why not take a leaf out of the professional ‘s book and see if the Bowen technique could help you too.

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